Read the email from your classmate and then write a short reply.


We need your help with the next school magazine. We want to do a special edition about charities. Is there a charity that you're interested in? Do you do any volunteer work in your free time? Can you write an article or suggest some ideas? We will have a meeting to discuss the ideas next week and choose the best ones.

See you soon!


Ответ дал: Di42012484




I will be happy to help! I actually love one charity. “Cat love”. It is really nice cafe, where you are surrounded by those fluffy creatures. And yes, I do volunteer there. You can write about that. I want to add though, that not everyone are able to volunteer there, they check you on allergy first. So, the main idea is to write about all different species of cats and for which owner which cat will fit the best!
Looking forward to our meeting!

See you soon!

(Write your name here)

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