помогите пожалуйста дам 100 б​



Ответ дал: batyijaparov


1. Match the verbs with phrases:

- Dance samba

- Sing Happy Birthday

- Decorate the house

- Celebrate Thanksgiving

- Wear new clothes

2. Write affirmative sentences using Present Simple:

- She walks to school every day.

- We live in a small house.

- My dog plays football with me.

3. Choose the correct form of the verbs:

- My sister makes a special meal.

- We wear new clothes on holiday.

- A friend visits me every day.

- He likes hot dogs.

4. Complete the sentences with object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it us:

- Alibek is a friend. I often play with **him**.

- It is a difficult exercise. I don't understand **it**.

- Here is a present for Saltanat. Happy birthday **to her**!

- Please, help **me** with my English.

5. Put the verbs in Present Continuous:

- He is flying to Astana.

- We are not traveling by bus.

- You are watching an interesting film.

- I am cooking beshbarmak for dinner.

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