Пожалуйста помогите Ex3 p75 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. You do not need all the words. My favourite way to travel is by bike. I've been a ¹ cyclist since I was about 12 years old, and I think there's no better way to get around. When I was 18, I learnt to drive, but I don't really like driving. Travelling along a 2 for example, is very fast, but so boring. The most exciting thing you can do is stop at a to get fuel or eat some bad food! The other form of transport I don't like is travelling by 4 They're slow, and you just sit there for hours. Trains are better. At least you can move around. 3 My grandparents went on a 5 last year. I'd hate to do that. Why would anyone want to stay on a boat for weeks? I get sick on boats. I get sick just travelling across a river on a 6 I don't like flying, either. Being on a plane is OK, but you always have to wait for hours at an before you get on the plane. I'd like to try flying in a on day, though. It might be fun! 8​


Ответ дал: erqurrr








vdonskih23: спасибо большое
arajlymalimhan75: спс
KaKaDuSHa2: правильно?
arajlymalimhan75: дааа...
arajlymalimhan75: !!!
arajlymalimhan75: я так думаю
arajlymalimhan75: На это напиши : 1 ) cyclist ; 2 ) motorway ; 3 ) petrol station ; 4 ) coach ; 5 ) cruise ; 6 ) ferry ; 7 ) airport ; 8 ) helicopter .
arajlymalimhan75: ой не напиши а запиши
arajlymalimhan75: я крч не умею писать на русском , я как бы казашка
kusmanovasp2023: спасибо
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