Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi Fran,
Thanks so much for lending me that book. I finished it last night. I think you’re right – it is the (1) ........................... book in the series. I read one of the others, but this was
(2) ........................... exciting. I really liked the way Jake was cleverer and faster (3) ........................... all the grown-ups in the story!
I heard that a famous Hollywood director is going to make a film of (4) ........................... book. He says it will be hard to find (5) ........................... actor who can play Jake. I can’t wait to see it. Have you got any other books I can read?


Ответ дал: Xen0x

Hi Fran,

Thanks so much for lending me that book. I finished it last night. I think you’re right – it is the best book in the series. I read one of the others, but this was more exciting. I really liked the way Jake was cleverer and faster than all the grown-ups in the story!

I heard that a famous Hollywood director is going to make a film of the book. He says it will be hard to find an actor who can play Jake. I can’t wait to see it. Have you got any other books I can read?

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