Ex 3. Page 67.
Read the notes.Then complete the letter.

Hi everybody!
As you know our French visitour are coming on Friday 1..... .I 'm writing to explain about the plans for the first day of their visit. They arrive at 2..... o'clock at the bus 3.... . Our school bus is going to meet them and take them on a short 4 ..... of the city so they can see all the sights.
After the tour they'll go straight to their hotel and have 5......


Ответ дал: davidenko16

Hi everybody!

As you know our French visitors are coming on Friday, 1st June. I'm writing to explain about the plans for the first day of their visit. They arrive at 2 o'clock at the bus station. Our school bus is going to meet them and take them on a short tour of the city so they can see all the sights.

After the tour, they'll go straight to their hotel and have dinner at 7 o'clock. Our school has arranged for them to have dinner at the Italian restaurant "Il Giardino". We have reserved a table for 20 people under the name "French visitors".

I hope everyone is excited to meet our French visitors and make them feel welcome.

Best regards,

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