. Translate the words and word-combinations by English: 3 бали

1) музей - ……. 4) кінотеатр - ……..

2) театр - …….. 5) Національна опера - ……..

3) площа - …….. 6) музей зоології - ……..

ІІ. Complete the text = a, an, the, is: 3 бали

… capital of Ukraine … Kyiv. It … one of … most beautiful cities in … world. More than 3 mln. people live there.

… streets of Kyiv are beautiful. Kyiv … the political, economic, scientific, industrial and cultural centre of Ukraine. Kyiv … also famous for it’s attractive parks.

… city has … well-developed transport system. There … also … underground,

… railway station, … airport and … river port.

III. Make the sentences and write them: 3 бали

1) and/ nice/ of/ streets/ wide/ Kyiv/ The/ are

2) famous/ is/ Kyiv/ it’s/ parks/ for/ attractive

3) year/ visit/ Kyiv/ people/ every/ A lot of

4) has/ transport/ city/ well-developed/ The/ a/ system

5) are/ many/ galleries/ Kyiv/ in/ art/ There

6) proud/ capital/ Ukrainians/ of/ are/ their

IV. Write a composition: “ Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine” 3 бали

or “ Ukraine is my native country”.


Ответ дал: sofiagoncareko


І.museum ,theater ,area,cinema,National Opera, Museum of zoology




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