Say if the statements are true or false.
Correct the false ones.
a St Paul’s is a medieval cathedral .
b St Paul’s Cathedral has got very bad acoustics.
c Sir Christmas Wren is the architect of the Millennium Bridge.
d MPs are the members of the British Parliament.
e Big Ben is the name of the Clock Tower.
f Wobbly Bridge is a bridge over the River Thames.
g On 2 February, 2002 the Millenium Bridge was destroyed.
h Norman Foster is the architect of the Millennium Bridge.
i The Gherkin is a nickname for one of the most famous highrise buildings in London.
j The Gherkin was built in such a way that you can see its top
from far away.
k The Gherkin has got very high heating and cooling costs.


Ответ дал: aiaruesliamgali

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