(4) Read the sentences aloud. Underline the words that have the /0/sound and circle) the words that have the /0/sound. 1 I think that's Martha's brother. 2 We have a maths exam on Thursday, the sixth of May 3 I'm going shopping with my mother because I need to buy some new clothes, 4 The weather in the south of England is better than the weather in the north. 5 is your father's birthday on the thirteenth of July? 6 There is something in this box, but the other three boxes are empty.​



Ответ дал: mariadenisuk179


1 I think that's Martha's brother. (underline think, circle brother)

2 We have a maths exam on Thursday, the sixth of May. (circle sixth)

3 I'm going shopping with my mother because I need to buy some new clothes. (circle mother)

4 The weather in the south of England is better than the weather in the north. (underline south)

5 is your father's birthday on the thirteenth of July? (circle thirteenth)

6 There is something in this box, but the other three boxes are empty. (underline something)

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