Составьте диалог используя will или be going to . ссссрррроооооччччнннооо!!!!!!​


Ответ дал: Xen0x

A: What are you going to do this weekend?

B: I'm going to visit my grandparents. What about you?

A: I will probably go hiking with some friends.

B: That sounds like fun. Do you know which trail you'll take?

A: Yes, we're planning to hike up to the peak and watch the sunset.

B: Wow, that sounds amazing. Maybe I'll join you next time.

karencidaran: Спасибо
Аноним: здравствуйте можете мне пожалуйста помочь с русским языком мне очень нужно пожалуйста
Аноним: прошу вас
Ответ дал: icergiks

- What are you planning to do after work today?

- I am going to go for a run and then cook dinner.

- Will you have time to watch a movie with me later?

- I'm not sure, it depends on how long my run takes and how much time I spend cooking. But if I have enough time, I will definitely watch a movie with you.

karencidaran: спасибо
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