11 Fill in the gaps with the following verbs in the past simple : look, go, get, want, take, listen. Which ones are regular (R) and which ones are irregular (I)?

1 I ............................... some beautiful jewellery in the street market. ………
2 At the concert we ............................... to traditional music. ………
3 My aunt and uncle ............................... on a Mediterranean cruise last winter. ………
4 Marcus ............................... photos of all the famous sights when he was in Barcelona. ………
5 We ............................... at every painting in the gallery; we were there for hours! ………
6 I ............................... to go on a boat ride on the river but we didn’t have time. ………


Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999

Моя відповідь:

  1. I found some beautiful jewellery in the street market. (R)
  2. At the concert we listened to traditional music. (I)
  3. My aunt and uncle went on a Mediterranean cruise last winter. (I)
  4. Marcus took photos of all the famous sights when he was in Barcelona. (I)
  5. We looked at every painting in the gallery; we were there for hours! (R)
  6. I wanted to go on a boat ride on the river but we didn't have time. (R)

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