You want to help out in a(n) animal shelter/charity shop/home for the elderly. Take roles and act out a similar dialogue. Use the sentences in Ex. 2 and the plan below. Make sure to:
Greet, saying the
name of the charity. Ask when he/she is available. Suggest volunteer activities.
Say where and when

say the reason you are calling & offer to volunteer,

say the days/times you are available & ask
how you could help,
say what you can do,

• agree on suggested day to start.
Offer to volunteer.
Say which days/times
you are free.
Agree to help.
Agree. Say goodbye.​


Ответ дал: acountznanija1


A: Hello, you've reached the Happy Tails Animal Shelter. How can I help you?

B: Hi, I was wondering if I could volunteer at the shelter. When are you looking for volunteers?

A: That's great! We're always looking for more help. We have openings every day except for Sundays. When are you available?

B: I'm available on weekdays after 3 pm and all day on Saturdays. What kind of activities can I help with?

A: We need people to help walk and feed the dogs, clean their cages, and play with the cats. Can you do any of those things?

B: Yes, I'm comfortable with all of those activities. When can I start?

A: How about next Saturday? We can have you come in at 9 am for a brief orientation and then you can start volunteering.

B: That works for me. I'll be there. Thank you!

A: Thank you so much for volunteering your time. We appreciate it.

B: No problem at all. Looking forward to it. Goodbye!


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