Task: Write sentences with best alternative:
1) I ate the whole/all/ each pie by myself. I'm so full right now.
2) Every/each/ all of the stamps in my collection came from a different
3) Whole/ every/ all the same, I would like to know what happened.
4) I have dedicated my all/ whole/ each life helping others to learn English.
5) Every/ each/ all stamp in my collection is very valuable.
6) I bought each/ every/ all of my plates from ABC department store.
7) I can remember whole/ every/ all detail of our conversation.
8) In a volleyball match, whole/ every/ each team has six players.
9) A wonderful experience! I enjoyed all/ each/ every moment of it.
10)There are four worksheets- please take one of each/ every/all.
11) All /each/ every children should complete the primary course.
12)I spent a(n) every/all/ whole week preparing for a philosophy examination.
13)She spends all/whole/ each her time stydying for her exams.
14)None of the rooms was the same. Every/all/ each was different.
1.5) He would not stop talking during the all/ every/whole lecture.


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1.I ate the whole pie by myself. I'm so full right now.

2.Each of the stamps in my collection came from a different country.

3.All the same, I would like to know what happened.

4.I have dedicated my whole life helping others to learn English.

5.Every stamp in my collection is very valuable.

6.I bought all of my plates from ABC department store.

7.I can remember every detail of our conversation.

8.In a volleyball match, each team has six players.

9.A wonderful experience! I enjoyed every moment of it.

10.There are four worksheets- please take one of each.

11.Every child should complete the primary course.

12.I spent a whole week preparing for a philosophy examination.

13.She spends all her time studying for her exams.

14.Each room was different.

15.He would not stop talking during the whole lecture.

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