entry 1 Read Mike's competition entry. Did he enjoy the camp? WIN A VIDEO GAME Write a review of an experience where you learned something new from using a computer. The best review will win a free video game! Competition entry: I love computer games, so I learned a lot from the two-week 'Game Design Summer Camp' I did this year. Everyone should try it! There were loads of 2 to choose from. My 3 were the talks by professional game designers, and the gaming tournaments in the evenings and at weekends. And every afternoon we had outdoor activities, like swimming and volleyball. But the most important I did 5 was designing a 3D video game. with my friends Carla and Sam - our instructors helped, of course! On the last day when we finished our games we had to present 6 to a group of experts. I was terrified, but? were really nice. What did I learn? I learned how computer games work and I also learned how to do a good presentation. Not bad! Mike​


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