1. Where can you find the humerus bone? 2. What is the longest bone in your body and where is it located? 3. Your kneecap has a special name. What is it? 4. Your skeleton is the framework of your body. What does framework mean? 5. Bones also give you calcium and phosphorus. What are those things?​



Ответ дал: shafanarajabova

1- The humerus is the only bone in your upper arm. It runs from your shoulder to your elbow.

2-The Femur (also known as the thigh bone) is the strongest, as well as the longest bone in the human body!


4-The bones in our body form a framework to give a shape and structure to our body. This framework is called skeleton. It comprises of bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons that connect to bones and bones to muscles.

5-Among micronutrients, calcium (Ca) and inorganic (i) phosphate (P) are the two main constituents of hydroxyapatite, the bone mineral that strengthens the mechanical resistance of the organic matrix. Bone contains about 99% and 80% of the body's entire supply of Ca and P, respectively

sorry if this incorrect

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