Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
I don’t understand. You _____ (not explain) it very well.

а didn't explain
б have not explain
в haven't explained
г hasn't explained

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Ouch! I think I _____ (sprain) my ankle.

а sprained
б sprain
в have sprained
г has sprained

A: How long / When did you buy your new bike?
B: Two weeks ago / since.

а How long, ago
б How long, since
в When, since
г When, ago

Who won the _____ this afternoon?

а court
б coach
в race

A: How long / When have you had this car?
B: I’ve had it for / since March.

а When, since
б How long, for
в How long, since
г When, for

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
Grandma _____ us last weekend.

а has visited
б visited

I write lyrics / texts for the songs and I also sing.

а lyrics
б texts

I’ve read three books so far / yet.

а yet
б so far

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.

___ Lucy and Charlie ___ (visit) the National Museum yet?

а Did.....visited
б Have.....visit
в Has.....visited
г Have.....visited

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
Mrs. Smith _____ at this school for 5 years.

а worked
б has worked

I watched a _____ about killer whales last night.

а soap opera
б wildlife documentary
г sitcom

A: Have you ever / never heard this song before?
B: Yes. I’ve heard it once / since before.

а never, once
б ever, once
в ever, since
г never, since

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
I _____ anything today.

а didn't eat
б haven't eaten

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
_____ Andy ever _____ (have) lessons with Mrs Kennedy?

а Have.....have
б Has.....had
в Have....had
г Has.....have

When the band came on stage, the crowd went wrong / wild.

а wild
б wrong

How many songs are there on this album / performance?

а album
б performance

My favourite band didn’t go on _____ this year.

а gig
б award
в tour

Tom's team has won three championships / spectators so far.

а championships
б spectators

After the concert, I waited to get the singer’s _____.

а autograph
б audience
в fan

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Paul’s worried because he thinks he _____ (lose) his MP3 player.

а have lose
б has lose
в has lost
г have lost


Ответ дал: NoviPientre01
  • Мой Ответ:

1. You haven't explained it very well.

2. I think I have sprained my ankle.

3. A: How long have you had your new bike? B: Two weeks ago.

4. Who won the race this afternoon?

5. A: When did you buy your new car? B: I've had it since March.

6. Grandma visited us last weekend.

7. I write lyrics for the songs and I also sing.

8. I have read three books so far.

9. Have Lucy and Charlie visited the National Museum yet?

10. Mrs. Smith has worked at this school for 5 years.

11. I watched a wildlife documentary about killer whales last night.

12. A: Have you ever heard this song before? B: Yes, I've heard it before.

13. I haven't eaten anything today.

14. Has Andy ever had lessons with Mrs. Kennedy?

15. When the band came on stage, the crowd went wild.

16. How many songs are there on this album?

17. My favorite band didn’t go on tour this year.

18. Tom's team has won three championships so far.

19. After the concert, I waited to get the singer’s autograph.

20. Paul’s worried because he thinks he has lost his MP3 player.

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