3 Think of a popular market or shopping centre in your town/city. Collect information, then write a paragraph about it. Write: where it is, what it is like, what you can buy there. Present the market to the class. BRAISK пж про семей дам 100 баллов ​


Ответ дал: acountznanija1


In my city, one of the most popular shopping centers is the "Grand Bazaar". It is located in the heart of the city and is a famous landmark. The bazaar is a huge covered market with over 4,000 shops selling various items such as clothes, jewelry, traditional handicrafts, spices, souvenirs, and antiques. The market is known for its vibrant atmosphere, bustling crowds, and colorful displays. As you walk through the market, you can hear vendors shouting their wares and bargaining with customers. The smells of spices and freshly brewed tea fill the air. The bazaar is also a great place to experience Turkish culture and tradition. The market has been operating for centuries and still attracts millions of visitors every year.

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