Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1) Why is your hair wet? - I... (just to wash) it. 2) How long She... (to live) here for ... your sister... (to live) in this flat? three years. 3) ... Janet and Richard ... (to invite) you to their wedding party? Yes, they.... But I... (not to choose) a present for them yet. 4) What ... Sally ... (to cook) for supper today? - She... (to make) your favourite chicken salad. 5) Where ... they (to go)? They ... (to go) to the Art exhibition.
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Ответ дал: fikf1800


1) Why is your hair wet? - I just washed it. (just wash)

2) How long has She been living here for? - your sister has been living in this flat for three years. (live)

3) Have Janet and Richard invited you to their wedding party? Yes, they have. But I haven't chosen a present for them yet. (invite, choose)

4) What is Sally cooking for supper today? - She is making your favourite chicken salad. (cook, make)

5) Where are they going? They are going to the Art exhibition. (go)

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