0 If you heat ice, it melts.
2 If you
3 You
Little children
5 If somebody
secret you
anybody else.
6 If plants
water, they
7 You
if there
8 If it
(sleep) well if you
(drink) a glass of milk in the
(run) very fast, your
(get) red.
(get) pink if you
(mix) red and white.
(be) hungry.
(cry) if they
(tell) you a
(not/ tell) it to
(not/get) enough
(not/ cross) the street
(be) a red light.
(rain), the road
(become) wet and slick.


Ответ дал: Mykhailo06

ou (will melt) if you heat ice.

If you (have) a problem, you can talk to me about it.

You (should) apply sunscreen if you are going to be outside in the sun for a long time.

Little children (often) cry when they are tired.

If somebody (tells) you a secret, you shouldn't tell it to anybody else.

If plants (do not receive) water, they (will die).


You (will sleep) well if there (is) no noise.

If it (is) hot, you (can drink) a glass of cold water.

Alternatively: If it (is) late, you (shouldn't drink) coffee.

Alternatively: If you (want to improve) your health, you (should exercise) regularly.

Alternatively: If you (mix) red and white, you (get) pink.

Alternatively: If you (are) hungry, you (should eat) something.

Alternatively: Little children (cry) if they (are) upset.

Alternatively: If someone (tells) you a secret, you (should keep) it.

Alternatively: If you (do not get) enough sleep, you (will feel) tired.

Alternatively: If plants (do not grow), they (do not receive) enough sunlight.

Alternatively: You (should not cross) the street if there (is) a red light.

Alternatively: If it (rains), the road (becomes) wet and slick.

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