54. Complete the sentence. They have a lot of foreign friends abroad, ... ? A) do they B) have they C) didn't they 55. Complete the sentence. You will have to do all works by yourself, ... ? A) haven't you B) won't you? C) don't you 56.Complete the sentence. She is never in time for work, ...? A) is she B) does she C) isn't she D) haven't they E) don't they B) do they C) didn't they 57. Complete the sentence. You have got some problem in you work, ... ? A) have you D) don't you B) haven't you E) hadn't you C) do you D) have you E) do you 58. Complete the sentence. They had to return home, ... ? A) did they A) can they B) did they C) couldn't they D) doesn't she E) has she 59. Complete the sentence. They couldn't play volleyball at school, ...? B) Is she? C) Will she? D) had they E) hadn't they A) Wouldn't he? B) Would he? C) Does he? 60. Complete the sentence. R.Chunayev won the competition last year, ... ? A) didn't he D) had he B) did he E) hadn't he C) was he D) could they E) can't they 61. Choose the correct variant. - My sister won't be present tomorrow. -... It's a pity. A) Was she? D) Wouldn't she? E) Won't she 62. Choose the correct variant. My brother will leave for USA next week. ... Wow, that's great D) Will he? E) Won't he? 63. Choose the correct variant. There's an English program on Public TV. -... I want to watch it. A) Isn't there? B) Is it? C) Is there? D) Has there? E) Hasn't it? 64. Choose the correct variant. - Xayyam is in Bakuriani now. -... I didn't know that. A) Has he? B) Is he? C) Isn't he? D) Doesn't he? E) Does he? 65. Choose the correct variant. - My final exam is on Business Economics. -... Wish you good luck. A) Is it? B) Does it? C) Didn't it? D) Isn't it? E) Did it?​


Ответ дал: Fatality007

they have a lot of foreign friends abroad, don't they?

you will have to do all works by yourself, won't you?

she is never in time for work, is she?

you have got some problem in you work, have you?

they had to return home, didn't they?

they couldn't play volleyball at school, could they?

r.chunayev won the competition last year, didn't he?

my sister won't be present tomorrow. - won't she? it's a pity.

my brother will leave for usa next week. - will he? wow, that's great.

there's an english program on public tv. - is there? i want to watch it.

xayyam is in bakuriani now. - is he? i didn't know that.

my final exam is on business economics. - wish you good luck, is it?

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