Read the following topic sentences. Put a tick (ext to sach see below

supports the topic sentence.

1.My uncle is a good father.

____a) My uncle patiently listens to what his children are saying
____b) My uncle works for an international company
____e) My uncle teaches his children to solve their problems
____d) My uncle spends most of his time with his children

2.I like my room for several reasons.
____a) My room is not big, but it's comfortable.
____b) There's a lot of sunlight.
____c) The wallpaper is light green, which is my favourite colour.
____d) My brother often comes to my room.

3.Dogs make the best pets.

____a) Dogs are loyal because they never leave their owners in trouble.
_____b) Dogs teach children to be responsible because they take care
of their pets.
_____c) Sometimes dogs can get angry
_____d) Whenever owners take their dogs with them, they feel safe.​



Ответ дал: a33234764


1.e) My uncle works for an international company M ance teaches his children to solve their problems.

2.a) My room is not big, but it's comfortable.

3.a) Dogs are loyal because they never leave their owners in trouble.

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