1. "I love going to the beach." " a) Neither do I b) So do I c) Nor do I 2. You have a pet, .......? a) haven't you b) do you c) have you 3. I tried on two pairs of trousers, but a) both b) either c) neither 4. He's tired. He a) hasn't slept b) didn't sleep c) doesn't sleep - b) would have c) will have properly for days. 5. If I had a bigger flat, I ...... a party. a) have 6. He ...... be famous. I've never heard of him. a) must b) can't c) mustn't 7. I live in the city, so I ...... busy traffic. a) get used to b) am used to c) used to of them fitted me. 8. We must run to the cinema. The film a) is starting b) starts c) will start ...... in five minutes. Помогите пожалуйста!! ​



Ответ дал: flash77779
  1. "I love going to the beach." - b) So do I
  2. You have a pet, .......? - a) haven't you
  3. I tried on two pairs of trousers, but - c) neither
  4. He's tired. He - b) didn't sleep
  5. If I had a bigger flat, I - b) would have a party.
  6. He ...... be famous. I've never heard of him. - b) can't
  7. I live in the city, so I ...... busy traffic. - b) am used to
  8. We must run to the cinema. The film - c) will start in five minutes.

ramilla0210: спасибо! но, можете сделать на картинке, там продолжение задания. буду благодарна.
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