1 Peel the potatoes. Then bow them for 15 minutes in hot water.

8 B___ the eggs. Then a the eggs. Then a__ flour and milk.

7 M_ _ the butter and sugar together.

6 Fry the eggs in a large f________ P__ ·

5 C___ the tomatoes into small pieces.

4 Roast the chicken and potatoes in a hot o___.

3 S____ the bread and make ten pieces of toast.

2 B___ the cake in a small cake t__ for 25 minutes.


Ответ дал: novichek21

Boil the eggs. Then add flour and milk.

Bake the cake in a small cake tin for 25 minutes.

Slice the bread and make ten pieces of toast.

Roast the chicken and potatoes in a hot oven.

Chop the tomatoes into small pieces.

Fry the eggs in a large frying pan.

Mix the butter and sugar together.

Beat the eggs. Then add flour and milk.

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