72. Open the brackets. Put the verbs
into the correct form. Answer the questions
using the words in brackets.
1. What your friends (to do) at the stadi-
um now? (to play volleyball)
2. Where his cousin (to work)? (at the hos-
3. What she (to paint) now? (her house)
4. Why you (not to be) at home yesterday
evening? (to go to the theatre)
5. Where he (to lose) his keys lately? (in
the yard)
6. Where the Sun (to rise)? (in the east)

7. What instrument Sue (to play) now?
(the accordion)
8. What Kate (to eat) lately? (sweets)
9. Where the Sun (to set)? (in the west) помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: mixail0809

What are your friends doing at the stadium now? (playing volleyball)

Where does his cousin work? (at the hospital)

What is she painting now? (her house)

Why weren't you at home yesterday evening? (to go to the theatre)

Where did he lose his keys lately? (in the yard)

Where does the Sun rise? (in the east)

What instrument is Sue playing now? (the accordion)

What has Kate been eating lately? (sweets)

Where does the Sun set? (in the west)

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