Choose and circle the correct variant. 1) Freedom of the... is the right to publicly express opinions in print without censorship by the government. A society B press C choice 2)... are the people who present such information as news to the audience of newspapers, magazines, radio or television stations or the Internet. A Journalists B Officials C Politicians 3) Daily newspapers, weekly magazines, and quarterly journals are all .... A trades B reports C periodicals 4) I... to three magazines, and I enjoy them all. A subscribe B appeal C. guarantee 5) The government has to do more to help the poorer members of our.... A society B magazine C media 6) There isn't one single genre that ... to absolutely everybody. A increases B prints C appeals. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. eye-catching published 1) My dad usually starts reading a newspaper with the sports 2) The 3) Newspapers are concentrated a year, or even less often. 4) All yesterday newspapers 5) Kyiv Post is sections illustration on the front page attracted my attention at once. every day, once a week, once a month, four time on the news about debates in the Parliament every week. issued​


Ответ дал: bedclear606

1.Freedom of the press is the right to publicly express opinions in print without censorship by the government.

2.Journalists are the people who present such information as news to the audience of newspapers, magazines, radio or television stations or the Internet.

3.Daily newspapers, weekly magazines, and quarterly journals are all periodicals.

4.I subscribe to three magazines, and I enjoy them all.

5.The government has to do more to help the poorer members of our society.

6.There isn't one single genre that appeals to absolutely everybody.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

1.My dad usually starts reading a newspaper with the sports section.

2.The eye-catching illustration on the front page attracted my attention at once.

3.Newspapers are published every day, once a week, once a month, or even less often.
4.Newspapers are published every day, once a week, once a month, or even less often.
5.Kyiv Post is issued once a week.

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