Its before (to commit). Образуйте конструкцию Complex Object с глаголами восприятия. Дополните предложения объек местоимениями и глаголами по смыслу. Обратите внимание, что инфинитив в этом случае употребл без частицы to: e.g. I saw your sister 1. I heard your friend the children this song. 2. I noticed my sister in the garden. 4. I felt my brother seen my colleagues and me words. 7. Have you noticed your neighbours yoga exercises? 9. I felt my friend at anybody. 11. We have never seen our teacher the documents from you? 161 at the club. - I saw her dance at the club. father 12. Have you seen your sister my skirt. 3. We w me by the sleeve. 5. Ha this matter? 6. I haven't heard our secretary the house? 8. Will you watch our angry with me. 10. I have never h hands with a​


Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999

Моя відповідь:

1. I heard your friend singing this song to the children.

2. I noticed my sister working in the garden.

3. We watched our father mend my skirt.

4. I felt my brother reciting words to my colleagues and me.

5. Have you heard our secretary discussing this matter?

6. I haven't seen our neighbors renovating the house.

7. Have you noticed your neighbors doing yoga exercises?

8. Will you watch our boss scolding me?

9. I felt my friend laughing at anyone.

10. I have never shaken hands with a celebrity.

11. We have never seen our teacher collecting the documents from you.

12. Have you seen your sister wearing my skirt?

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