41b Circle the correct answer.
o I'd like to go I like going on holiday to a different place every summer.
oo I'd like to go I like going somewhere different this summer. Any ideas?
1 I regret to tell / telling you that your contract will not be renewed.
2 I regret to tell / telling you about it because it upset you.
3 He stopped to have / having coffee because it kept him awake at night.
4 He stopped to have / having a coffee and then he went back to work.
5 I know you're tired but please try to concentrate / concentrating for a few more
6 I'm going to try to drink / drinking warm milk before I go to bed; it might help
me sleep better.
7 Alice went on to act / acting until she was forced to retire because of her
8 Although Alice started out in television, she went on to act / acting on the
9 He remembered to close / closing the windows so the rain didn't get in.
10 He remembered to close / closing the windows so he was surprised to find
them open when he got home.


Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999


1. telling

2. telling

3. having

4. having

5. concentrating

6. drink

7. act

8. acting

9. close

10. close

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