Поставити речення в питальну та заперечну форми.
-We always eat Sunday lunch at 1 o'lock p.m. (When)
- I got up at 6 o'lock yesterday (When)
-We went to the airport by taxi. (WHEre) -Last week I travelled by plane for the first time (When)


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


-We always eat Sunday lunch at 1 o'clock p.m. When do you always eat Sunday lunch?

- I got up at 6 o'clock yesterday.  When did you get up yesterday?

-We went to the airport by taxi. Where  did you go by taxi?

Last week I travelled by plane for the first time. When did you travel for the first time?


Ответ дал: davidenko16

When do you always eat Sunday lunch?

Did you not get up at 6 o'clock yesterday?

Where did you go to the airport from?

When did you travel by plane for the first time?

(Note: To make the negative form for sentence 4, it would be "I have not traveled by plane before.")

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