Task 3. USE OF ENGLISH [4 points]

Choose the correct item:

1. We have ....... food in the fridge left. I will go to the shop.

c. a little

a. a b. little d. any e. a few 2. Aibek ate...... of the pizza and gave the rest to his friend.

a. a few b. plenty c. many d. half e. any 3. Add...... salt to the soup, it is bland.

a. a few b. few c. a little d. little e. any

4. Sarah has eaten..... of the Italian pasta. It was so delicious! a. a b. any c. all

d. both e. many

5. My parents....... want to have a picnic lunch.

a. amount b. a few c. half d. some for tea.

e. both

6. My mum has....... apples, so she will prepare some cake

a. a few

b. a little 7 c. both

d. any

e. plenty

. Please, go to the supermarket and buy c. an e. little

a. few b. a

d. some

..... bread.

8. A great........ of people enjoy going to the supermarkets and shopping. b. a little

a. much

c. any d. minority e. amount
помогите пожалуйста даю 50 б



Ответ дал: fakekolesnichenko

1. We have little food in the fridge left. I will go to the shop.

2. Aibek ate half of the pizza and gave the rest to his friend.

3. Add a little salt to the soup, it is bland.

4. Sarah has eaten all of the Italian pasta. It was so delicious!

5. My parents both want to have a picnic lunch.

6. My mum has a few apples, so she will prepare some cake for tea.

7. Please, go to the supermarket and buy some bread.

8. A great many of people enjoy going to the supermarkets and shopping.

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