эссе на тему мой любимый актёр английском ​


Ответ дал: arsenkinger

My favorite actor (имя актера). He is one of the most versatile actors in the film industry ( индустрия где он снимается) or Hollywood. He is very talented and looks good. I have always been a fan of his since I saw his first movie (название фильма).(имя актера) is simply the best actor in the world. He has so many acting skills and is always trying new things as an actor. You can give him any role and he will do his best. He is a very simple, loving, smart, kind, funny and caring person.


Можно пожалуйста лучший ответ

Ответ дал: Evelinnzka

Відповідь:My favorite actor is Jackie Chan! He is a Hong Kong actor who has been doing this for a long time!He starred in many films and TV series, his roles are impossible to count!He is brave and courageous, brave. he is also a singer and kung fu master. His skills are very cool and unusual. He is already 69 years old.I really like this actor!


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