Complete the text with the words from the box. Ukrainian schoolchildren are making a special ... of the newspaper today. They are telling us about their ..., its ... people, their traditions and ... Ukraine has got a long ... Kyiv is the ... of the country. It is an ... and beautiful city. Many ... people live and work here. Ukraine is in the centre of ... Its territory is 603,7 thousand square ... Ukrainian is the ... language of the country. The ... fl ag is blue and yellow. On 24th August Ukrainian people celebrate ... Day. national (×2), issue, ancient, customs, Europe, country, history, hard-working, Independence, capital, kilometres, talented


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


Нужно вставить слова по смыслу:
Ukrainian schoolchildren are making a special issue of the newspaper today. They are telling us about their country , its talented people, their traditions and customs. Ukraine has got a long history. Kyiv is the capital of the country. It is an ancient and beautiful city. Many hard-working people live and work here. Ukraine is in the centre of Europe. Its territory is 603,7 thousand square kilometres. Ukrainian is the national language of the country. The national flag is blue and yellow. On 24th August Ukrainian people celebrate Independence Day.
Украинские школьники сегодня готовят спецвыпуск газеты.  Они рассказывают нам о своей стране, ее талантливых людях, их традициях и обычаях.  Украина имеет долгую историю.  Киев – столица страны.  Это древний и красивый город.  Здесь живет и работает много трудолюбивых людей.  Украина находится в центре Европы.  Его территория составляет 603,7 тысячи квадратных километров.  Украинский является государственным языком страны.  Национальный флаг сине-желтый.  24 августа украинский народ отмечает День Независимости.


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