напишіть оголошення позашкільного гуртка. описання 4-5 речень на англійській мові.
допоможіть будь ласка, я буду вам дуже вдячна ​

yakovderkachenko: Обрабатываю запрос, пожалуйста подождите!


Ответ дал: yakovderkachenko


Announcement: Join our extracurricular club and discover a new passion! Our club offers a fun and engaging way to explore various interests and hobbies outside of school. With a focus on hands-on activities and group collaborations, members will have the opportunity to develop their skills and creativity. Whether it's arts and crafts, sports, or technology, there is something for everyone in our club. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to meet new friends and discover your hidden talents! Contact us for more information on how to join.

lizatimosenko60: дякую вам дуже, ви мені дуже допомогли
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