Each sentence has a mistakes. Correct the false sentences:
1. Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
2. The United Kingdom is an island country that's why it doesn't border on any European country.
3. London is one of the youngest cities in the world that's why it has no historical places
4. Kyiv stands on both hills of the river Dniester.​


Ответ дал: germankov10


1. Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Исправление: Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland is not part of Great Britain, but Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

2. The United Kingdom is an island country that's why it doesn't border on any European country.

Исправление: The United Kingdom is an island country that's why it doesn't border on any continental European country. It does border on the Republic of Ireland, which is a European country.

3. London is one of the youngest cities in the world that's why it has no historical places

Исправление: London is one of the oldest cities in the world that's why it has many historical places.

4. Kyiv stands on both hills of the river Dniester.

Исправление: Kyiv stands on both banks of the river Dnieper.

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