СРОЧНООО НАДО 4 a) 11.6.3 11.6.5 Match the columns to form sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 Could you speak a He insisted They are anxious b Rustem is unsure c I regret d e whether his choice was the right one. to see their results. telling her about my research. louder, please? that I apply for the job. 5x2=10 marks​


Cohendd: 10 спамов. Не помогайте!


Ответ дал: kolobok1528


1. d. could you speak louder, please?

2. e he insisted that I apply for the job

3.b they're anxious to see their results

4.a rustem is unsure whether his choice was the right one

5.c I regret telling her about my research

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