напишите пожалуйста от 3 лица.When I was little, my dad and my mom were great cooks.We've always experimented with food. I was in Spain when I was about 6 years old.The kids wanted burgers with fried potatoes. I didn't like peas.My mom always cooks it for me.Then it was a pleasure to go to a restaurant.then my brother and I ate from the same plate.My dad cooked my favorite dishes.My dad made spaghetti bolognese, shepherd's pie.We always ate at the same table except on Saturdays. On Saturday we ate in front of the TV. On Sundays we went to my grandmother's, she baked delicious cherry pies.Now I go to my dad's on Sundays.Now I eat what I like and enjoy.​


Ответ дал: UserForHomeWork

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When i was were 6 i read books.

это так похоже

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