пожалуйстаааааааааааа ​



Ответ дал: alimbetovtima2011


1 A: Where did you have lunch?

B: We went to a restaurant.

2 A: Did you have a nice holiday?

B: Yes, it was the best holiday I've ever had.

3 A: Where's the nearest shop?

B: There's one at the end of this street.

4 A: Do you often listen to the radio?

B: No. In fact I haven't got a radio.

5 A: Would you like to travel in - space?

B: Yes. I'd love to go to the moon.

6 A: Do you go to the cinema very often?

B: No, not very often. But I watch a lot of films on - television.

7: It was a nice day yesterday, wasn't it?

B: Yes, it was beautiful. We went for a walk by the sea.

8 A: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

B: Nothing. I never eat breakfast.

9 A: Excuse me, where is Room 25, please?

B: It's on the second floor.

10 A: We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.

B: Why didn't you stay at a cheaper hotel?

alimbetovtima2011: пожалуйста лучший ответ
usermobilochka203: это не то, что на картинке
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