Make a proposal for sports facilities in your neighbourhood or town.
Follow the steps in the project checklist.
Think of three things that you'd like to change. What will be better
if the changes are made?
Take a photo of each thing that you're writing about, or find one on
the internet or in a magazine.
Write a short introduction to your neighbourhood or town. Then write
a paragraph for each of the three things. Describe the situation at the
moment, say why you'd like to change it, and make a proposal.
4 Make a poster with your texts and photos. Include an opinions key, so
that other students can give their opinion of your proposals.

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Ответ дал: acountznanija1


1. Three things that I would like to change in my town's sports facilities are:

- More availability of outdoor spaces for sports and recreational activities, such as parks or open fields. This would create more opportunities for people to engage in physical activity and enjoy the outdoors.

- Improved maintenance of existing sports facilities, such as playgrounds and sports courts. This would make these spaces safer and more enjoyable to use.

- More accessible and inclusive facilities for people with disabilities, such as wheelchair-accessible entrances, adapted equipment, and sign language interpreters. This would ensure that everyone can participate in sports and recreation, regardless of ability.

2. I will take photos of the existing parks, sports courts, and playgrounds in my town to illustrate the current situation.

3. Introduction: My town is a great place to live, with a thriving community and plenty of opportunities for residents to engage in sports and recreation. However, there are some areas where improvements could be made to enhance the quality of life for everyone.

Outdoor Spaces: Currently, there are not enough outdoor spaces in my town for people to engage in sports and recreation. I propose that the town council designate more areas for parks and open fields, where people can play soccer, frisbee, and other outdoor sports. This will encourage physical activity and provide a space for people to enjoy the outdoors.

Maintenance: Although there are some sports facilities in my town, many of them are not well-maintained. This poses safety hazards and can discourage people from using them. I propose that the town council increase funding for maintenance of existing sports facilities, such as playgrounds and sports courts. This will ensure that these spaces are safe and enjoyable for everyone to use.

Accessibility: People with disabilities face many barriers to participating in sports and recreation. In my town, there are not enough accessible facilities for people with disabilities. I propose that the town council invest in creating more accessible and inclusive sports facilities, such as wheelchair-accessible entrances, adapted equipment, and sign language interpreters. This will ensure that everyone in the community can participate in sports and recreation, regardless of ability.

4. I will create a poster with photos and text outlining my proposals, and include an opinions key to encourage other students to share their thoughts and feedback on the proposals.


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