Плиз помогите нужно очень срочно. Вставить в текст слова: abstract, classic, contemporary, powerful.

This definitely isn't a .... or 'normal' work. I mean, it doesn't really represent anything real. It's quite ... .It's just this long line of them, all half-buried in the sand. I like it because it's very ... - you know, modern - because it uses this symbol of the modern age: the car. And although it's quite a simple idea in some ways, it's getting across a .... message about how we design and use things, then just throw them away.​


Ответ дал: valerikbulka457


This definitely isn't a classic or 'normal' work. I mean, it doesn't really represent anything real. It's quite abstract. It's just this long line of them, all half-buried in the sand. I like it because it's very contemporary - you know, modern - because it uses this symbol of the modern age: the car. And although it's quite a simple idea in some ways, it's getting across a powerful message about how we design and use things, then just throw them away.


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