a) zenisney
Each sentence as a mistake. Find it and correct it.
1 Where you live? Where do you live?
2 There not a bank near here,
Write the Past Simple
I sing Song
2 come e
Look at this photos.
3 sell
4 Is a post box near here? Is there post box s get
I arrive at the airport at ten o'clock last night. arrives leave
6 She could to speak three languages when she was
7 Where did you went last weekend?
8 The sofa is in front the window.
I don't can go out because I have a lot of homework.
10 In the kitchen is a table.
11 I was to the theatre last weekend.
12 Who are t..ese people over there?
I buyed a new DVD player.
14 Did you watch the football on TV last evening?
15 Spanish people is very friendly.
16 I like cities because I can to go to good restaurants.
Complete the sentences
can can't was wasn't-
1 I can't drive. I'm
2 Our teachery.
she was ill.
3 Leonardo
we draw, wri
4 People C se


Ответ дал: valerikbulka457

Ответ: 1Where do you live? (no mistake)

2There is not a bank near here. (added "is")

3Look at these photos. (changed "photos" to plural)

4Is there a post box near here? (added "a")

(No sentence given)

5She could speak three languages when she was eight. (removed "to" after "could")

6Where did you go last weekend? (changed "went" to "go")

7The sofa is in front of the window. (added "of")

8I can't go out because I have a lot of homework. (changed "don't can" to "can't")

9There is a table in the kitchen. (changed "In" to "There")

10I went to the theatre last weekend. (changed "was" to "went")

11Who are these people over there? (changed "t..ese" to "these")

12I bought a new DVD player. (changed "buyed" to "bought")

13Did you watch the football on TV last night? (changed "evening" to "night")

14Spanish people are very friendly. (changed "is" to "are")

15I like cities because I can go to good restaurants. (removed "to" after "can")

Complete the sentences:

1I can't drive. I'm not old enough.

2Our teacher couldn't come to class because she was ill.

3Leonardo da Vinci could do many things well. Not only could he paint, but we was also skilled in areas like engineering, mathematics, and writing.

4People can be happy or sad.

I was able to finish my homework on time.


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