FILL IN THE GAPS (museums and galleries, science fiction, exposition, displays, treasures, masters, landscape, masterpiece)
1.As a –painter Turner was interested in light and colour effects.
2.Painting of old --- is one of the greatest treasures mankind has collected in the history of its civilization.
3. Tate Britain --- the world’s largest collection of British art.
4.My family and I had been watching a ------ film all day.
5.Why do people go to ----and ----?
6.------of which museum would you like to see?


Ответ дал: valerikbulka457


As a master painter, Turner was interested in light and color effects.

Painting of old masters is one of the greatest treasures mankind has collected in the history of its civilization.

Tate Britain displays the world’s largest collection of British art.

My family and I had been watching a science fiction film all day.

Why do people go to museums and galleries?

Which museum's exposition would you like to see?


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