3 Complete the dialogue with the present perfect or the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. A (1) Have you ever (be) to another country? B Yes, I have. I (2) A Really? When (3) (go) there? been the best experience I (6) (visit) the USA. you BI(4) (go) last year when I was visiting my cousins in Las Vegas. They (5) (live) there for two years. It's ever (have). I (7) (take) hundreds of photos when I was there!
Correct the errors in the red words. Rewrite
the whole sentence.
How much people go there every year?
How many people go there every year?
1 She drinks a few water every 30 minutes.
2 I've got a lot friends in the USA.
3 It's empty - there aren't some books in it.
4 There's a little food, but not many.
помогите пожалуйста!!!​


Ответ дал: valerikbulka457

A: Have you ever (been) to another country?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Really? When (did you go) there?

B: I (went) last year when I was visiting my cousins in Las Vegas. They (had been living) there for two years. It's (been) the best experience I (have had). I (took) hundreds of photos when I was there!

Correct the errors in the red words. Rewrite the whole sentence.

She drinks water every 30 minutes. (uncountable noun)

I've got a lot of friends in the USA. (add "of")

It's empty - there aren't any books in it. (use "any")

There's a little food, but not much. (use "much" for uncountable noun)

Ответ дал: meliora03


A: Have you ever been to another country?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Really? When did you go there?

B: I went last year when I was visiting my cousins in Las Vegas. They have been living there for two years. It's been the best experience I have ever had. I took hundreds of photos when I was there!

A: Wow, sounds amazing!

6. She drinks a little water every 30 minutes.

I have a lot of friends in the USA.

It's empty - there are no books in it.

There is a little food, but not much.

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