Hi Tom. It ........ (be) Gary. How .... (be) you?
Fine. I ........... (come) home fifteen minutes ago and I .........(have) lunch at the moment.
Lunch? But it ........ (be) almost four o'clock!
Well, I ........ (not/take) a break for
lunch at work today. You see, we always ................... (have) a lot of work in August.
present simple, present continuous or past simple ​


Ответ дал: Аноним

Ответ:Hi Tom. It is Gary. How are you?

Fine. I came home fifteen minutes ago and I am having lunch at the moment.

Lunch? But it is almost four o'clock!

Well, I did not take a break for lunch at work today. You see, we always have a lot of work in August.

The verb tenses used in this conversation are:

Present simple: "It is Gary", "How are you?", "We always have a lot of work in August."

Present continuous: "I am having lunch at the moment."

Past simple: "I came home fifteen minutes ago", "I did not take a break for lunch at work today."


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