Ex 3d - написати про свій пам'ятний день за зразком вправи За та своїми відповідями 3 вправи ЗВ. Обсяг повідомлення - 80 слів. Розповідь має бути в Past Simple (минулому часі). Обов'язково використати first, after that, then ma later.


Ответ дал: ygrik1106


My memorable day took place last summer. First I met up with my friends at the park, where we played soccer and picnicked. Then we decided to go to the movie theater to see a new movie. After that we went to a cafe where we tried a new kind of coffee. After that we went to the pool where we spent the rest of the day swimming and playing water games. In the evening we went back to the park where we had a tent party with lights and music. It was an unforgettable day for me as I spent it with my best friends and enjoyed every moment of it.

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