Вибери правильний варіант відповідей
1.We often ... sport in the gym
a)do b)did c)does
2. Sam... in London last year
a)lives b)lived с)will live
3.My sister ... now Is
а)dancing  b) danced       c) are dancing
4)    The children…to the park tomorrow
a)    go      b) went           c) will go 5) 
  Kim…already…her homework.
a)    Has done    b) have done  c) had done  ​


Ответ дал: olegmordan621


1-a 2-b 3-a 4-c 5-a

1. We often do sport in the gym.

2. Sam lived in London last year.

3. My sister is dancing now.

4. The children will go to the park tomorrow.

5. Kim has already done her homework.

Ответ дал: utkanos850

1. А)

2. Б)

3. А)

4. С)

5. А)

прости если неправильно не особо помню правило

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