переделать речення My brother (to eat ) in this cafe
1. always
2.at the moment .
3.last Friday

illiard: EZ
illiard: решено
anytamaksymovych: вирішено
anytamaksymovych: поставив би хоча б оцінку, невдячний.
illiard: поставив^_^
anytamaksymovych: я ж кажу, один бал собі в задницю засунь
anytamaksymovych: ;)


Ответ дал: illiard

1. My brother always eats in this cafe.

2. My brother is eating in this cafe at the moment.

3. My brother ate in this cafe last Friday.

illiard: EZ
anytamaksymovych: xyez
anytamaksymovych: 1 бал в задницю засунь собі
Ответ дал: anytamaksymovych

Відповідь: удачі

My brother always eats at this cafe

My brother is eating at is cafe at the moment

My brother ate at this cafe last Friday


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