to the texts. Strange jobs VIDEO D Unusual looks peop Although standing very still sounds like. easy job, it's actually really tiring and you ha to be in good shape. Christina has to be at making really slow movements - being living statue isn't just about standing still Christina needs to have good comic tim and a great sense of humour to make laugh. Sometimes when people are watching her, she surprises them by winking, coughing or suddenly moving. Christina says tha occasionally little children are a bit scared living statues, but eventually they all want t have their photo taken with her. After she wakes up most mornings, Christina Clarkson spends an hour and a half covering her skin with body paint! Christina is an actress, but not an ordinary one. When she's not performing in the theatre, she works as a living statue. After getting into her costume, she goes down to Covent Garden and sets up her box to stand on. Christina plays many different 'statues', but the most popular one is an ancient Greek statue. For this, she uses gold or silver paint and wears a matching drape. Usually she works for an hour at a time, then she has to take a rest. B When Joe Atkins arrives at work, he goes to the dressing room to change into his work clothes. For the next eight hours, he wears a furry costume and a huge heavy mask over his head. Joe is the Disney character Pluto, and he works at Disney World in Florida. Before he leaves the dressing room, he says "Have a nice day" to the other characters. He knows that he cannot speak to anyone later because Disney characters must not speak to the visitors and they have to be good at mime. Joe then makes his way to Café Mickey to welcome the visitors. He walks slowly an carefully and doesn't swing his arms or lea He must be careful and remember that h 'body' is at least double his normal size. One little girl looks frightened, so Plu doesn't get too close. Joe slowly extends hand to her parents so the little girl can that he is friendly. One of the most import qualities for people working as a Dis character is to be patient with children extremely tolerant. Very soon the little girl is smiling enjoying breakfast with her new, furry fr Read the texts and answer the questions. Which of entertainers (A or B)...

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