Circle the correct words. 1. Frankie is a graphic designer/writer and works for a science magazine. His articles are always very interesting. 2. At this page/stage, there is nothing we can do. It's too late. 3. Brandon and I discussed / mentioned the problem while we were having lunch and we found a solution. 4. Eddie has taken some great photographs/ topics of the city. 5. The furniture you buy at Home Basix is sold/delivered to your house for free. 6. I need tмo get a disk / gift to save the information I've found on the Net. 7. The reporter interviewed/printed the football player for three hours.​



Ответ дал: Yuna2811


1) designer

2) stage

3) discussed

4) photographs

5) delivered

6) disk

7) interviewed

semenukviktoria2010: спасибо
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