Помоги пожалуйста Срочно!!!!Write your own 4 'should-sentences for the statements below I feel tired after school. - ... Ann can't do her homework. - ... Ken and Pete like to play music. John is hungry after lessons. - ... ​


Ответ дал: davidenko16

I feel tired after school.

You should try to get a good night's sleep to feel more rested after school.

You should consider taking short breaks during the day to recharge your energy levels.

You should talk to your doctor if you consistently feel tired after school to rule out any underlying health issues.

You should try to incorporate exercise into your daily routine to increase your energy levels.

Ann can't do her homework.

Ann should ask her teacher for help or clarification on the homework assignment.

Ann should try breaking the homework into smaller, more manageable tasks to make it less overwhelming.

Ann should find a quiet and comfortable study space to help her focus and concentrate on the homework.

Ann should prioritize her homework by creating a schedule or to-do list to ensure she completes it on time.

Ken and Pete like to play music.

Ken and Pete should consider forming a band or joining a music club to share their passion for music with others.

Ken and Pete should practice regularly to improve their skills and develop their musical talents.

Ken and Pete should explore different genres and styles of music to broaden their musical knowledge and expertise.

Ken and Pete should consider performing at local events or venues to gain more experience and exposure.

John is hungry after lessons.

John should bring a healthy snack or meal to school to eat between lessons or after class.

John should plan his meals and snacks ahead of time to ensure he has enough food to sustain his energy levels throughout the day.

John should consider talking to a nutritionist or dietitian to develop a healthy and balanced meal plan.

John should avoid consuming sugary or processed foods that can lead to a quick energy boost but a subsequent crash.

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