I. Vocabulary. Choose the correct item to complete: There's a connection/function between what we eat and how well our brains work. 1 2 Amino acids/substances are found in foods that are high in protein, such as meat and fish. 3 For a light/stuffed breakfast I just have black coffee and a piece of fruit. 4 The beat of the drums at the carnival has a cell/rhythm that makes you want to dance. 5 I'll bring your offer/order when it's ready.​



Ответ дал: acountznanija1


There's a connection between what we eat and how well our brains work.

Amino acids are found in foods that are high in protein, such as meat and fish.

For a light breakfast, I just have black coffee and a piece of fruit.

The rhythm of the drums at the carnival has a beat that makes you want to dance.

I'll bring your order when it's ready.


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