use passive voice
1. Enlik.... (not go out) during the week. She....(go)o
2 Sholpan... (think) about going out tonight.
What time.....(the bus/ arrive)? It.... (get) here at 6 o'clock.
4. Fariza Gust come) home.
S. She (live) in Ireland since 1999,
6 I. (to think)... to see his new film when it comes out.
7. Where.......(you/go) when I saw you.
8. Saule.... (work) on her computer when the phone.... (ring).
9. If you exercise, you.... ( to become) fit.
10. If it.... (to rain) tomorrow, we...(not go) to the park.
11. If I. (to win) a lot of money, I...(to travel )around the world.
12. Hamlet... ( to write )by Shakespeare.
13. A film studio (to build) next year.


Ответ дал: milkathenre


1. Enlik was not allowed to go out during the week. She was told to stay home.

2. Sholpan is being considered for going out tonight.

3. What time will the bus be arriving? It will be getting here at 6 o'clock.

4. Fariza has come home.

5. She has been living in Ireland since 1999.

6. I am thinking of seeing his new film when it comes out.

7. Where were you going when I saw you?

8. Saule was working on her computer when the phone rang.

9. If you exercise, you will become fit.

10. If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the park.

11. If I win a lot of money, I will travel around the world.

12. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

13. A film studio will be built next year.

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