Choose one the cards and answer questions
1.What's your favourite food?
2.What's your favourite meal?
3.Which of the foods/drinks do you like. eating/drinking? Why?
4.How do you like eating eggs, potatoes? 5.What do you eat/drink everyday? Use the phrases too mush/many, not any, a lot of
6.Are there any foods that you absolutely hate? ​


Ответ дал: sukovatyv


1. My favorite food is pizza.

2. My favorite food is soup.

3. I like to drink coke and eat pizza because they taste good.

4. I like to eat eggs and potatoes, they are very tasty.

5. I eat eggs and salad every day, and I also drink too many water.

6. I hate broccoli, it doesn't taste good.

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